Virtual Oakland


Employment Information

If you are seeking employment, there are several resources for you to take advantage of.

Job Links
Located on Fifth Ave. in Oakland, Job Links offers a variety of services from pre-employment (resume development, interview skills, etc.) to assistance with job placement. Job Links also offers English as a Second Language (ESL) classes, CPR certification, and other training classes for those interested in the medical field.
3360 Fifth Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15213

CareerLink is a ?one stop shop ? and provides a range of employment services for job seekers and employers. There are several neighborhood careerlink offices around the Pittsburgh area.  You may visit one of the centers for pre-employment skills such as resume development. You can also search the website for job listings. You can also get information on services offered by a range of agencies such as the Area Agency on Aging, the Office of Vocational Rehabilitation, Veteran Services, and information on training and education and Welfare Services.

Job & Career Education Center
Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh
4400 Forbes Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
FAX: 412-622-3136

Pittsburgh Regional Immigration Assistance Center
Offering skills assessment, job development, pre-employment services, resume services, interview practice career counseling, job placement and follow-up services.

Pittsburgh Technical & Computer Jobs
Pittsburgh Employment Jobs - Technical Support Jobs. An online shopping marketplace that showcases unique and quality products from a variety of online merchants.

Job Postings

Pittsburgh Post Gazette Classifieds

Tribune Review Classifieds

Pittsburgh Business Times

University of Pittsburgh job postings

University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC)

Carnegie Mellon University job postings

See also


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